Saturday, March 31, 2012

How Did This Happen?

This was our neighbors' work shed, viewed through the screen of their upstairs porch.  

A few weeks ago, a fire, attributed to something electrical, took it all down.  

This last photo, is what's left of their boat which was stored in one of those tent-like storage sheds behind the building.

They lost so much, yet, as you can see from the first photo, it's not too far from their home and they were lucky that the house is intact.

THREE (Better late than never)

Our friend Deborah has a new hobby, chickens.  These are three of her seven hens.  I believe she told us that each usually lays an egg per day.  We have a constant supply of nice, fresh eggs.

Polka Dots

I didn't have any pictures of polka dots and couldn't find a thing with polka dots to take a shot of...This is from google images taken with my Snip It tool!

How did this happen?

One day Jeff and I were sitting in the living room and we heard this noise and this is what we found in the front yard.


F'n FRACKING*&^%#&%* near Michelle's House?
In the summer these fields have been sunflowers as far as the eye can see.

How Did This Happen?

Everything from the kitchen moved into the dining room, while we had the kitchen plumbing, wiring, floor, and walls done. It was fun carrying water from the tub to wash dishes while I imagined how lovely it would be -- for a few days. By six weeks it got to be a drag, and I wondered if it would ever be done.


Heidi (my daughter) hopefully just fooling around in the Dominican Republic with some friends.

How Did This Happen?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Polka Dot Pajamas

Sophie and Dalton on Christmas morning 2011


This is one of the shuttle buses for an airport parking company in Denver. Isn't it cute?

Polka Dots

            Minnie Mouse and Mini Minnie Mouse Marcella along her mom Goofy at a  
                               Halloween party for our local library...

Polka Dots

Guess this is as close as I could fine to polka dots. The best part of this blog for me (and this is purely selfish sorry) is that I get to meander through the years in pictures of the kids. Some of them had been forgotten but I get to remember how quickly time passes. Sorry, must be a little nostalgic this morning. Haven;t taken my pills yet this morning. Ha.

I Love Polka Dots

I thought this dress was so cute and fun in the catalog. I wore it once, about 7 years ago, (with white tights, that weren't any better than these black ones I already had on, when I asked Dick to take the picture.) Still like the concept. It's the application that doesn't work. Might have thirty years younger with nude stockings and dainty shoes. See, I refuse to give up on the polka dots. Maybe I should have saved this for "How did this happen?"


Can you see through those things?!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My latest SLOW cooker meal- Balsamic Chicken

It was DELICIOUS!!!!


It doesn't get much slouuer than the traffic coming from the opposite direction. They uuere coming out of the northern AZ dust storm that uue uuere headed into.


A really slow lunch, takes a long time to chew!


These are the start of Boston Bake Beans for Dalton's school project...
They have to be soaked overnight, simmer for 2 hours then bake for 3-4 hours...
He is do the chopping, measuring, mixing and adding after school....
It is a SLOW process to hopefully a delicious ending...


Every summer, we try to take it SLOW once in awhile and visit Bumpa for lunch while he is working for the village. This is 5 or 6 years ago but we still do it once or twice. We pretend we are tourists. Ha.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I have alot of glasses. These are just a few of my favorites. The rooster glass was one of six - the rest long gone. The others are from France. (No, I didn't buy them there. TJMAXX did. The back glass and goblet have bumblebees on them and the front glass has fleur de lis.  I have special rooster water glasses and an array of Christmas glasses. Too many, my kids would say.


While Dick and I visited John and Mary Jo in Florida in January, they bought a new dining room table, chairs and china cabinet at a second hand shop. A lot of really wealthy people donate to these shops. Aren't they beautiful? You can see a little of the glass table that also qualifies for this category. Anyway, I wasn't happy with the way Mary Jo organized her glassware in the new cabinet and couldn't wait to get in their and put everything the "right way." Later that day Dick and I got on the plane for home, so Mary Jo could put it back the way she wanted. I know you all want to see the whole table, so I added it, too.


Saint Patrick's Cathedral, NYC 
Loretto Chapel, Santa Fe NM    
United Presbyterian Church, Sackets Harbor NY

P.S.  I got the last one from their web site.


This window #28 titled Emerald Cross and Crown in the Presbyterian Church...It's a signed Tiffany Glass...
"The three-layered design is most unique in its multi use of colors"...Not my words but the words of someone (or a group) who took the time to take pictures of all the windows and researched the history of each...

The people who donated this particular window have family still living in Sackets Harbor...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Rub-a-Dub-Dub three in a tub.
Maria, Cody and Riley


The picture is really dark but it's Mom, baby sister, and Greg at Greg's house.

The Three Turkeys

Erin Derouin, Derek Derouin, and my son Jason with their turkeys they shot. One day, Gannon, Jason's youngest son, came over and yelled, "Meme, get your gun. There's a big turkey down back."  I said, "I don't have a gun."   He then said, "Well, then get Bumpa's gun."   I said, "Bumpa doesn't have a gun."   He then said, "What do you guys shoot with then?"  Apparently, he is going to be a hunter.

Three Pots

Dick and I made these bowls while we were visiting my high school friend in Hawaii. Ron and his wife have side by side pottery wheels in their garage. Ronnie gave the two of us a lesson and this is the result. Dick broke the top off his pot and made a little one from the broken clay. Ron's kiln is as big as a room, in his back yard. He couldn't fire our pots until he had enough to fill the kiln, so months later he sent these on to us. He did the glazing. I hope sometime to go to Clayton and take some more lessons in pottery; this was so much fun.


                              My three beautiful daughters

Monday, March 26, 2012


This is Suzie, I hope she had fun.  We sure did!


Yes, this is Ann Marie having fun. The chair is because she started with the upper cupboards.

BS Bag rated R for language warning

red bag


I had SO much fun with this group in NYC last month :)


Just two girls out for a good time!


In May of 2010, Flat Sophie arrived for a month-long visit.   Her arrival.

And, her return.


The patterns of my life!  We're hoping for a good year this time around.  The last harvest was disappointing; our fall and spring were far too wet and we lost about half of it.  Cross your fingers!

Fun in a Bag

I took this originally as the closest thing to a bag that I've been involved with. But then that helpful neighbor left Dick cookies. So: Here it is for Fun. Really, everything I do, anymore, is really for fun, even cleaning, because I have enough time to do things completely and enjoy the results. Anyway, this envelope/bag carries the scripts for the Lenten readers' theater that we are doing at church. It is a serious subject, but it is fun, because lots of people (adults) read and really get into their parts. It is like the fun things we do at school, except with no discipline problems.


Kelly and her friend Eric getting ready to run in a race on Halloween...


Our family has an odd opinion of just what is fun!!!!! So when you come for a visit you had better bring your tool belt.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Delivered in a Bag

When we got into the car this morning, we found this bag that a neighbor had left for Dick.

In the bag

A shopping trip that almost had us renting a trailer!