I have a couple of barn pics in frames. These were taken a while back, before I had a better digital camera, so I didn't do anything too fancy. My neighbor generally picks a nice day to take a ride and we go looking for them! We're losing more each year. Like the one that was across the road from us. :O(
Nice barns. I have an old barn which is full of everything. Now that our donkey died a couple of years ago, the stable is full of flower pots, bicycles, summer stuff (chairs, lounges etc) and whatever junk people store in there. (family crap)
WOW !!!! they are all beautiful, suitable for framing, did you frame any of them? You are so good with a camera.
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures..there is something about an old barn..they are so cool.. But I bet not to the owner....
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of barn pics in frames. These were taken a while back, before I had a better digital camera, so I didn't do anything too fancy. My neighbor generally picks a nice day to take a ride and we go looking for them! We're losing more each year. Like the one that was across the road from us. :O(
ReplyDeleteI have some prints of a 150+ year old barn in TN. If I had a scanner I'd copy and email it to you. I love them. I took them years ago.
ReplyDeleteNice barns. I have an old barn which is full of everything. Now that our donkey died a couple of years ago, the stable is full of flower pots, bicycles, summer stuff (chairs, lounges etc) and whatever junk people store in there. (family crap)