Sunday, January 29, 2012

I should really have a bag of candy here. too.  This is a bad habit because I read instead of doing productive things like cleaning etc.


  1. I too love to read books, and yes, don't like to do housecleaning and when you think of it, what is so wrong with that idea. Who are these people with clean houses and no books in sight? I would guess they are good house cleaners and not very good readers ha.

  2. Not even 10% of uuhat she has. No Joke, Becky could open a library.

  3. Oh, I thought this WAS the library.

  4. thanks for the kind comments. Makes me feel better! LOL But I really do need to clean more and read less. Good news is with my new Kindle Fire I don't have to bring a suitcase of books when I come visit this summer.

  5. Put it this way, you can always pay someone to clean your house, reading is priceless!!!
